Guidance Officers
Guidance officers working in state high schools are registered teachers who have undertaken further post graduate studies in a Masters of Educational Studies with specific training in guidance, counselling and psychology.
The guidance support service at Kingaroy State High School is strongly linked to other student support programs within the student services faculty and work in collaboration with the School Based Youth Health Nurse, Social Worker, Youth Support Coordinator and Indigenous Liaison Officer.
The Guidance Officers work directly with students in addition to working with a student's teachers, school support personnel, family, other specialists and external support providers.
Guidance Services
Guidance Officers provide a confidential service for personal counselling, career guidance, psychoeducational assessments and general support and information for students.
This includes:
- Assist students to identify/clarify personal, educational and career goals.
- Assist students in decision-making processes such as subject selection, subject changes and course selection.
- Assist with enrolment and departure of students, especially in critical or complex cases and students in Out of Home Care.
- Assist with Senior Education Training Plans (SET Plan) process
- Supporting students with post school pathways, including Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) applications.
- Formulating individual student management plans for those students deemed to be "at risk".
- Liaising with outside agencies to ensure students are successful in achieving their education and career goals.
Personal Counselling:
Guidance Officers empower students to resolve personal issues that prevent them from achieving to their potential. Counselling issues may include:
- emotional problems
- family conflict
- stress management
- self-concept/self-esteem
- depression and anxiety
- grief; medical/health problems
- discrimination/harassment/bullying
- conflict resolution and mediation
- behaviour problems/anger management
- improving communication
- abuse/trauma
In addition to the Senior Education Training Plan (SET Plan) process, Guidance Officers can assist students with accessing a wide variety of career information relating to TAFE Colleges, Universities, Australian Defence Force, Apprenticeships and Traineeships.
Guidance Officers are able to assist students to access sites such as the Job Guide and Myfuture which allows searches of hundreds of different courses and careers on the internet.
Students are kept up to date with career and course information (including Open days and scholarships on offer at various institutions) through emails, student notices and assemblies. Guidance officers also discuss alternate pathways for students.
Contact Mr Wicks and Mrs Zischke:

Mr Sean Wicks (Years 8, 10, 12) Mrs Bec Zischke (Years 7, 9, 11)
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